Specsavers Optometrists - Ballarat

Establishment and health at 28 Bridge Mall, Ballarat Central, VIC 3350, Australia. Here you will find detailed information about Specsavers Optometrists - Ballarat: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

Contact Information

Establishment   Health  

28 Bridge Mall
Ballarat Central
VIC 3350
Get directions

+61 3 5331 9919


Reviews of Specsavers Optometrists - Ballarat

    Ron Goodson Added October 17, 2023
    Ordered some new glasses but changed my mind on the frames selected and SpecSavers made it so easy to update and amend. Great friendly service - highly recommended. Very helpful staff.
    Noel Shillito Added October 16, 2023
    I had some trouble with my frame which was appropriately dealt with. When one arm later broke and it was just out of warranty, a replacement frame was not available. I was able to choose a new frame and get new multi-focal lenses. This was all done at no cost to me. I find this to be incredibly good service.
    Jennifer Willis Added October 15, 2023
    Specsavers Ballarat team were attentive, professional and friendly from the initial yearly eye sight check up to the day of new glasses pick up.
    I am very happy with their service.
    Jennifer Willis
    Tahlia Added October 11, 2023
    Had a fantastic experience here! The staff were super lovely and attentive, and they even had two optometrists check my eyes out to ensure I had complete peace of mind before travelling overseas. Can’t recommend highly enough! Wonderful service :)
    GT Asia Added September 30, 2023
    Shop assistants are very nice and friendly. For them I would give 5 stars. However the optometrist has no patient and not friendly, Thus the glasses i got does not work properly.

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Questions & Answers

1. What is the phone number for Specsavers Optometrists - Ballarat

The phone number for Specsavers Optometrists - Ballarat is +61 3 5331 9919.

2. Where is Specsavers Optometrists - Ballarat located?

Specsavers Optometrists - Ballarat is located at 28 Bridge Mall Ballarat Central, VIC 3350.

3. Is there a primary contact for Specsavers Optometrists - Ballarat

You can contact Specsavers Optometrists - Ballarat by phone using number +61 3 5331 9919.

4. What is the web address (URL) for Specsavers Optometrists - Ballarat

The website for Specsavers Optometrists - Ballarat is specsavers.com.au.

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Today's weather in Ballarat Central VIC

10:00 24 1016 hPa 39 % 4 m/s 13:00 25 1015 hPa 35 % 4 m/s 16:00 27 1013 hPa 26 % 4 m/s 19:00 19 1013 hPa 33 % 2 m/s 22:00 17 1014 hPa 33 % 2 m/s

Tomorrow's weather in Ballarat Central VIC

01:00 18 1013 hPa 32 % 2 m/s 04:00 20 1012 hPa 31 % 4 m/s 07:00 19 1013 hPa 64 % 5 m/s 10:00 24 1013 hPa 55 % 6 m/s 13:00 27 1010 hPa 46 % 5 m/s 16:00 20 1011 hPa 86 % 3 m/s 19:00 15 1014 hPa 97 % 1 m/s 22:00 15 1015 hPa 97 % 1 m/s

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